by Lisa Arie | Apr 15, 2015 | Uncategorized
I wouldn’t qualify myself as one of the top 10 most creative kids on the playground–and that’s proven to me by my 6-year old niece and my 6-year old goddaughter on a fairly regular basis. When they say “Let’s build a fort,” I can still feel myself reaching for the...
by Lisa Arie | Apr 4, 2015 | Uncategorized
What does play look like if you (like so many adults) have difficulty connecting to your sense of play? A few years ago I probably couldn’t have answered that question. I’d become so work-driven I lost my sense of play. A coach I hired gave me an exercise. She said,...
by Lisa Arie | Feb 21, 2015 | Uncategorized
I would be hard pressed to tell you how often I have heard someone say, “I want to do this or that, but I am afraid.” I am quite fascinated with human behavior and what drives it. I am usually led to ask, “Afraid of what?” I am quite often met with the response:...