The Stillpoint Experience


 Your decisions determine your future. Making good decisions under pressure is hard. It doesn’t have to be. Our proprietary neuro-decision-making platform transforms the ability to master complex decision-making. Change results in 3 minutes a day.

Our neuro-decision-making platform is not just a tool; it’s your personalize guide to making bigger, better, bolder decisions. With personalized content, it unlocks the subconscious thinking that drives your results. Your decisions determine your results. 

The platform includes:

• A Deep Dive into Decision-Making: Gain detailed insights into your innate decision-making tendencies and experience game-changing results in real-time.

• Awareness of Subconscious Thinking: Improve your decision-making by transforming subconscious thoughts into conscious awareness and transform your impact.

• Tailored Guidance and Activities: Benefit from customized information and daily exercises designed to activate your Balance Point and close gaps in your thinking.

• Holistic Decision-Making Framework: Explore our comprehensive decision-making philosophy, enriched by years of research, being a trusted advisor and subject matter experts and uncover your blindspots.

This personalized content is crafted to refine your decision-making skills, ultimately fostering superior results and fulfilling your transformative potential.

A core component of this offering is custom-designed sessions with our Co-Founder and CEO, Lisa Arie, the visionary behind The StillPoint Experience and your dedicated SME in this process.

Uncover the hidden mechanisms driving your choices when you are outside of your comfort zone, revealing the subconscious processes that influence your decisions in challenging situations. Sign up now to gain valuable insights and take control of your decision-making.



It’s Easy
Discover what holds you back when you get to the edge of your comfort zone


It’s Daily
Commit to just 3 minutes a day and see the transformation in your decision-making process


It’s For Good
Rinse, repeat, rewire
Use better thinking in high-pressure moments


 Increasing proficiency in utilizing a broader mental lens enhances the ability to process and integrate diverse information and expands cognitive flexibility when addressing complex issues. This improves problem-solving and decision-making capabilities. Our research shows that participants see an average of a 15% increase in utilizing a broader lens with just 3 minutes of practice per day for 21 days. Those who continue beyond 21 days have seen increases in using a broader mental lens upwards of 85% and experience a greater sense of calm and self-awareness while simultaneously experiencing breakthroughs in addressing personal and professional challenges.


“I found The StillPoint practice to be incredibly valuable and effective. It’s amazing how the combination of thoughtful goal setting plus simple daily action leads to meaningful change. Neuroscience in action!”
Kate Williams
CEO, 1% for the Planet
“I had a significant challenge to overcome. I was able to challenge my own assumptions and recognize where my default behaviors were no longer serving me. What is surprising is how good a new style of thinking and interacting feels. Lisa challenges me and goes deep, but without feeling like therapy. It is fun, interactive and actionable work we get to do together. I would recommend this for anyone who is very open to developing themselves and being incredibly honest with themselves. The work takes grit, confidence and some amount of discipline. This is for people who are going to take their work seriously.”
— Lara Dickinson
Executive Director and Co-Founder, One Step Closer


“We reached for The StillPoint Experience to change our way of thinking and decision making in the face of a dramatically shifting external environment – not just for a short period quick fix but to drive lasting change.

Difficult business challenges require different thinking. Not just different thoughts for the business but different ways of thinking from the leaders of the business. How we think may have resulted in past successes but may limit the potential of future outcomes. There is not a “wrong way” that needs to be unwound but a “wider way” that has hidden potential to equip leaders with very specific and attainable practices to make better decisions and open up new possibilities for themselves and others.

We developed guidelines of high performance for our leadership team and a new vision for our business in a 3 three-week sprint. We now have a clear and decisive pathway forward – we are no longer victims of circumstance. Instead we are now firmly in control of our own destiny.

The greatest surprise was the comfortable manner in which self insight is achieved and the speed with which the benefits are seen. Mastery is very attainable and has as much applicability to life as it does to what we do for a living.

This is for human beings who want to bring their fullest potential to whatever they take on. It is for businesses and quests of all shapes and sizes faced with the need for higher quality decision making in an increasingly complicated and light speed world. “

—Tom Nientimp
COO, Surly Brewing Company

“When I first started The StillPoint Experience, I didn’t know what I didn’t know. The epiphany was learning I had to develop my self-inquiry. When I did, I saw a huge change in my thinking and my approach. I have a muscle to tap into what’s going on internally. I learned how to focus and get clear.  I had  old beliefs and filters that didn’t help me in the present moment. The StillPoint cleared those out. Now, I can see more clearly. If I had known how to tap in internally before I could have seen the mismatches in my life sooner. Before The StillPoint Experience my life was focused on professional results more than my personal happiness. Now I can have both. I am in a very different place now. I feel more connected and tapped in. I have the whole picture: personal happiness AND results. Results were my driver. Now I have results AND my whole self.”

— Susan Can
Chief Marketing Executive, Operation Smile


“I gained clarity and the ability to use my vision in key decision-making. This afforded me the ability to stay clear and decisive in choosing between the multitude of opportunities that are available to me daily-and being sure I’m choosing accurately from all aspects of my being. Not just the logical side or the impulsive side but from a whole perspective. Learning how to balance my thinking to see the whole picture has been pivotal in my thought process and decision-making.”

Rhishabh Mehrotra


“I signed up for The StillPoint Experience because I was looking to be a better COO. I got that, and more, by learning how to the best version of myself. I learned how I can be successful in my life not just my profession. I learned how I operate. I learned how to use every moment to be the best professional and best human being I can be. I learned how I show up as a person translates to being the husband, father and professional I want to be. The most surprising thing I learned was the true inner connectivity of my personal and professional life.  How they interact, and influence each other.  It allowed me to look at opportunities from a broader lens, and helped me realize that success is measured in many ways. It gave me clarity on aligning my actions with my values, and reframing what success looks like for me moving forward. “

— Rob Bellezza
Chief Operating Officer, Vermont Cheese Products,The Farmer Companies



“The StillPoint Experience is a unique, creative, well-rounded, well-researched, well-thought out, science-based process for learning how to tackle problems, while developing your team(s). It led to some very impactful insights for the company.

Following the learning journeys with my team, I headed into a personal journey with The StillPoint Experience. I was trying to figure out where I stood in my career and life cycle. The StillPoint helped me achieve a positive shift in my thinking. It helped me find my truths regarding work and what I want to achieve, what my operating system is, and what mindsets I need to focus on. It really helped me develop my personal and career goals and vision. I learned numerous skills to analyze reactions and to decide the best way forward. The StillPoint is based in neuroscience to assist you to shift and expand your thinking capabilities. While it is not therapy, I feel that we achieved more together than I would have from years of therapy. The insights gained not only helped me develop, they helped me let go of some of my old, harmful ways of thinking.

I cannot recommend The StillPoint Experience highly enough, both from a company and a personal perspective.”

— Margaret van Steenderen
Global Director of Talent Development, Duke Corporate Education


“We participated in three independent sprints and one team sprint. Individually and collectively we were able to gain greater and more nuanced insight into our default states of being and thinking. Not only did we learn more about ourselves and each other, we found ways to untrain that which was obscuring our potential as humans. The pause, introspection, coaching, and group debriefs helped us progress towards individual goals and towards an internal company goal of fostering leadership. The greatest surprise was how what we learned and practiced with Lisa and The StillPoint showed up across all facets of our lives, not just the workplace. Fantastic and valuable experience.”

— Beth Saylers
Ph.D, Founder, CEO, Custom Learning Atelier


“The art of leadership is all about finding balance in a dynamic landscape.

I was surprised at how quickly I experienced shifts in my thinking and behavior. I didn’t have to build complex new practices into my daily life to get results. I loved learning and experiencing the modern science behind this experience. It brings about learning and embeds itself very quickly.”

— Stephanie Lowe
Director of Talent Development, Seventh Generation

“This has been a real self-discovery and profound development journey. During the past year, I learned how to appreciate and boost my curiosity to new unforeseen levels and see numerous growth opportunities ahead. Change is real and I can’t stop now wanting to learn.

In my lifetime I have often been exposed to human development experiences; this one has been a truly long lasting one, and the journey continues!”

— Pier-Luigi Sigismondi
Worldwide President, Dole Packaged Foods

“The StillPoint Experience and the skills it sharpens are invaluable. Personal growth and self-awareness is at the root of the ability to maximize your potential. The StillPoint Experience not only engages self-awareness but it gives you the tools to maximize your effectiveness, your efficiency and most of all your potential to get the most out of yourself.

— Paul Annacone
Former Top 15 Tennis Player in the World, Pete Sampras, Roger Federer & Sloane Stephen’s coach

“The StillPoint process goes well beyond Myers Briggs, DISC, Gallup, or any of the hundreds of methods to create strength and change in an organization’s culture. This process gets to the heart of a person’s make-up and expands their thinking, consciousness, and mindfulness. We have seen more innovative thinking, better decision making and an overall shift in positive communication.

I am thrilled with the outcomes of our team work and grateful for the honor of working with Lisa, her team and The StillPoint Experience.”

— Sara Harding
COO, Spirituality & Health

As a sustainability expert,I have used and taught all sorts of tools to gain awareness and spur innovation. Immersing myself in The StillPoint Experience and working with Lisa Arie was a whole new experience.

The StillPoint Experience gave me tremendous clarity when I was at the point of burnout. It unearthed the creativity I needed personally and for launching my business. As an entrepreneur, I need to continually challenge my own thinking about how to do business. Many other tools reveal patterns or habits from the past and how they might be working for you, or not.They show you which box you are in. The StillPoint Experience is much more generative than that. It trains you to move beyond your box and into an entirely new way of thinking. It challenged me and brought me deep insight.”

— Kimberly Kosmenko
CEO, Futurepath ESG


The Vista Caballo StillPoint process is incredible at teaching daily presence and supporting needed areas of focus in thinking and creativity. The process is so poignant that it aligns areas of needed focus and benefit for both personal and professional life – helping to bridge both and to solve for life in a holistic fashion.

Startup Colorado used The StillPoint Experience to help entrepreneurs and CEOs expand their thinking styles as they endeavored into the world of policy advocacy. The process was instrumental in guiding them into new territory as they stepped outside their comfort zones. ”

— Delaney Keating
Executive Director, Startup Colorado

“There are leadership programs and then there are people who change your life. Lisa is the latter. I met her, knew instantly she was a truly magnificent, special human being with wisdom and an approach to life that I wanted to know more about. I wanted to up-level my 15-year-old business, and I knew I needed to change my perspective to do that. I’ve worked with many, many, coaches, consultants and advisors in the past to little or avail. I made the fastest, most mind-blowing progress with Lisa Arie and The StillPoint Experience. This is magic, I feel different, I think different, I know more, and I’m so excited to step into the next chapter of my life.

I CANNOT recommend Vista Caballo more to not just leaders, but people who want to live their lives. Really live them. Thank you Lisa.”

Emily Lonigro
CEO and Founder, LimeRed

Equip Your People To Be Their Best In High Pressure Moments: Unlock Their Thinking. Unlock Your Future.