Grand Luxe Magazine: The Journey Within

Grand Luxe Magazine: The Journey Within

By Lisa ArieThere has to be something more. It’s crossed all our minds. It’s the phrase that, once it’s popped into your head, you can’t shake. You have to do something. Discover something. Create something. It’s probably this instinct for adventure, for discovery,...
Experience Life Magazine: Horse Sense

Experience Life Magazine: Horse Sense

By Laine Bergeson Six years ago, Lisa Arie, an accomplished New York advertising executive and businesswoman, had an “aha” moment on the streets of Manhattan. Shortly afterward, she traded in her high-powered career and opened Vista Caballo, a self-directed discovery...
Organic Spa Magazine: Transformation in Dove Creek

Organic Spa Magazine: Transformation in Dove Creek

By Evelyn Theiss Vista Caballo is Spanish for “from the perspective of the horse.” And there they are, from my perspective inside the truck that brings me here. The four of them are lined up next to each other, on a low hill that overlooks the county road in one...